Friday, April 9, 2010

Sweet 16...months...April 9, 2010...

I have not forgotten the blog...and I have not abandoned my duties....Life sometimes gets in the way of things but while I have been absent, Jevesh has been growing, smiling, giggling, and almost walking on his own :)

Jevesh and mom are doing well, staying healthy, getting healthier. Jevesh is full of smiles and giggles, crawling around like mad, pulling himself into a standing position, walking with his walker/stroller, and chatting chatting chatting...He can sign for "more," "please," and "thank you" and saying words like "mommy," "hey," "oh boy" and "more."

Here are some pictures of Jevesh from over the last month...I will also post video soon :)

Sorry for my absence. As always, please continue to keep Deepika and Jevesh in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting much awaited blog. You are doing a wonderful job, thanks again!!

    So good to hear that Jevesh is doing fine, growing and getting healthier. A big hug to will be absolutely fine honey,very soon.I am sure ur dad is watching you and smiling from above upon you my child.

    loads of love!God bless you.....Miss you Amit.
