Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 09, 2010...Happy 18 Month Birthday Jevesh!

Happy 18 Month Birthday Jevesh!!!! You have come a long way baby!

Look at you know...saying words, signing words, eating some "regular" food, enjoying blueberries, and now WALKING!!!! Yahoo! (watch out mama ;)

A Year and a half! You and your mother have been through quite a lot in that time...but the beauty of your hearts and souls, the inner strength, the courageousness, are testements to the Truly Wonderful Angels that you are and amazing examples to us all. I miss you both everyday and count my blessings that you are in my life.

I wish for you both Strong Health, Good Fortune, and Infinite Blessings.

Happy Birthday Dear one...I love you and your mom very much...


  1. I'm just amazed at how big Javesh is. He looks so matured from the last photos I saw. It is very wonderful to see how much he looks like his parents. What a gift he is!

  2. He is getting big! Big wise eyes, precocious (sp?)behavior, walking, talking, smiling, is amazing to see how far he has come...
