Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009...A belated but joy filled Valentine Posting

It is with great happiness in my heart that I write this blog.

JEVESH was released from the hospital...and the family was finally able to come home after two very long and stressful months.

Jevesh is certainly not in the clear and has a very, very long road ahead ...and in fact is expected to have his next surgery sometime in April or May (depending on his health, growth, and development)...However, the day, the moment, was of both joy and melancholy. Joy that they would finally be able to go home, if even for a short time..melancholy that they have had to go through so much in the last 6 months...and to face the first Valentine's Day without the love of her life, Amit. That he could not be there to carry his child from that hospital...That your heart can be so full of love, joy, and gratitude, and still be breaking at the same time...especially to face these days and the days to come, without the love and support of your best friend, husband, and love.

The hospital spent a week training Deepika on the use of the gastrostomy port, cleaning and maintenance, administration of medications, and the use of a variety of equipment including the feeding tube (like an IV that is "plugged" in to the port), syringes, a special scale, and a monitor for oxygen levels and heart rate. They spent a great deal of time discussing the risks, dangers, and concerns that she will face in the care of Jevesh while at home and away from immediate medical care. Hospital standards of cleanliness, sanitation, hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, air purifier, and so on (as you can well imagine given his fragile state) will have to be followed.

On Saturday, we made the long trek home. The house had been prepared in advance, for the most part, to welcome them home. It was a good feeling but scary too. It is the first time that Jevesh has not had constant medical supervision, but the doctors trained Deepika well, and she is an incredibly intelligent beautiful strong loving woman determined to do everything to protect her child....her number one priority.

We realize that many of you will want to visit, see the baby, etc. but please know that upon the Doctor's urging, due to Jevesh's extreme susceptibility to infection and his absolute need to stay healthy and strong as he prepares for his upcoming surgery, that Deepika will have no choice but to limit visitors. We also need to make sure that Deepika does not get sick (for obvious reasons). The following are some of the guidelines that the hospital recommended be followed (essentially the same policy they maintain for their NICU):

*If you have been sick any time in the last three weeks, please do not visit (even if you do not have symptoms, you may still be carrying infectious germs that can pose a health risk)

*If you have been AROUND ANYONE who has been sick in the last two to three weeks, please do not visit (again, even if you do not have symptoms, you may be carrying the germs that can cause those illnesses).

*If you are sick in any way, have a cough, cold, or rash, please refrain from visiting. Germs can be spread not only through touch but through the air (i.e. via breathing).

* Everyone will be asked to scrub their hands, under nails, up to the elbows, for a full minute (hospital practice at the NICU) to protect Jevesh and Deepika from germs.

*There will be hand sanitizer to use after washing hands and any other time that may require using the sanitizer.

Please call Deepika first to see if it is ok to visit before coming by (this will be dependent on how she is feeling, how Jevesh is doing, doctor appointments, getting sleep, and other issues that may arise).

Finally, and most importantly, Deepika wants to thank ALL OF YOU for your TREMENDOUS show of love, support, positive thoughts, prayer, good vibes, help, advice, and presence in her life...there are few words to express such gratitude for the outpouring of love she has received...Thank you all.


  1. Great news!! Welcome home Jevesh!

    I pray and hope that everything will be fine now. This baby has already been through a lot. Now God can not be cruel to him anymore. Now god has only choice to grant him long , healthy and happy life. God please have mercy on Jevesh.

    Take care and stay alert. God bless you.

  2. Welcome home Jevesh!!!
    I am so happy to hear your good news. My family has been sick, so I will wait for awhile before I come and meet you. I wish you both well.
    Sending love and warm wishes,

  3. Hallelujia! That is fantastic news! It will be good to find a trusted source of respite though for you Deepika. I hope the social workers at the hospital set you up with some visiting nurses who can give you support through this next phase. Let me know if you need errands done. I'm healthy and can shop for you. Stay well you two, Chris

  4. I love you all! Take Care and I wish you all the best as you get ready for the next surgery. You are strong and beautiful wonderful people...Blessings upon you.

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