Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 11th through December 14th, 2008...More Waiting

The remainder of the week that had started as a surprise, followed by joy, in turn followed by tragedy and heartache, was filled mostly with waiting and vague answers.

Deepika waited, sat by the bedside of Jevesh, spoke to him, prayed for him, caressed his tiny hand, bruised by IVs, kissed his cute little toes, swollen from the pokes of blood tests and the binding heartrate monitor, sang to him, calmed him...

The most the doctors could do was to attempt to explain and provide a little bit more clarity to the defects of Deepika's baby...draw a sketch, explain some more, give names to the seeming laundry list of problems they would be facing...and that surgery would likely happen "next week." When exactly? that would depend on his health, availability of operating room, and emergencies that might arise...

On Sunday, there was more good and bad news...scans of organs, brain, and spine, seemed to indicate that they were functioning normally, all except one, the spleen. The spleen, it appears, was not there...On top of the reversed organs, on top of the heart defects, Courageous Jevesh would have to face one more challenge...the absence of the spleen...known as asplenia (congenital asplenia to be exact, often associated with heterotaxy syndrome - the reversed organs).

The spleen is an organ in the body that is responsible for creating and destroying red blood cells and holds a reservoir of blood...most importantly, it is part of the immune system...its absence can result in susceptibility to infection...(information obtained from Wikipedia)...

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