Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26, 2008....The only thing constant is change...

After multiple attempts by a special nurse to insert what is called a "pic" line (I am not sure if I spelled that correctly), which is a special line to the heart which allows the taking of blood and administering of medications (I think...I still need to do a little research), it was decided that Jevesh would have to undergo a minor surgical procedure. During the procedure, a doctor inserted a pic line while Jevesh was under anesthesia. The procedure went fine, unfortunately, afterwards, little Jevesh went in to stress and the doctors were forced to reintubate in order to stabilize his condition.

The doctors are hopeful that they will be able to remove the tube in a day or so as long as Jevesh shows improvement.


  1. Thanks so much for being with Deepika in this hour of crisis...and thanks a tonne for this blog to keep us updated on her situation. I am her childhood friend and my heart goes out to her and Jevesh...she is always in my thoughts and am praying for her and Jevesh. God himself is there with her with people like you around her...

    thanks again

  2. Thank you for your kind words...I am just doing what I can...I wish so much that I could do more...please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers...
