Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6th, 2009...10 months...Remembering Amit

On this, the sixth of June, Deepika, Amit's family and friends, and the community of Chico remember the loss of a beautiful man, Amit Tandon. His heart was enormous; his generosity, overflowing; his smile, from ear to ear; his talent, unending; and his loss, felt by people the world over, deep, raw, angry, sad, heartwrenching....there are not enough words to describe such a tragedy, such a loss.

I look at Deepika and I am filled with love, deep respect, and a bit of heartache. Such a wonderful person with such a good heart that has endured such heartache and tragedy and yet she continues on with great strength, hope, and faith.

I see Jevesh and think of all the terrible things that child has had to endure in such a short time and I hope and pray that he beats all the odds to grow up to be a bright, strong, healthy individual with all the wonderful qualities of his mother and father. When I look at that child I see his parents and I have hope and warmth in my heart (and admittedly tears in my eyes occasionaly).

Please continue to offer your kind words, prayers, and thoughts as the struggles continue. Please remind those around you to never drink and drive and never let anyone around them drink and drive. No one should have to suffer such tragedy and heartache, we must all try to make a difference.

Here are a few recent pics of Jevesh (I will post more on the 9th...his 6 MONTH Birthday!).


  1. Very sweet, thanks for sharing. Jevesh is a little cutie pie.

  2. He's a beautiful baby. God bless him.

